Tuesday 14 January 2014

Vastu Tips for Office

Vastu Tips for Office

Vastu Sastra or vastu veda is the ancient science of construction. It is based on directional alignments for any dwellings. It combines the five elements of nature- Earth, Water, Air, Fire and Space. In the olden days, Vastu Sastra was used for the construction of temples. In recent times it is being widely used for the construction of houses, apartments, office and other buildings.

Rushing through work and not respecting it can cause tension and hostility for an individual. There are many architects in Pune who are incorporating this method of detailing of direction to maximize the benefits bestowed by the five elements. Here are a few vastu tips for good fortune that can be implemented in your office to create a positive, congenial living and working environment.

Reception: North-west direction is most ideal for placing the reception and the dispensers or water coolers should be placed in the north-east corner. The employees managing the reception counter should sit facing the entrance.

Conference room: It is highly recommended that the conference room should be located in the east or west corner.

Doors: Do not place any obstacle near or in front of the doors of the office.

Lighting and Ventilation: Natural lighting is very important wherever possible because prolonged exposure to fluorescent lighting can harm the natural imbalance of the human body. The office should also be well ventilated. The directions to be avoided are south and south-west as these areas invite diseases and illnesses.

Furniture: It is suggested that the MD or the owner of the office should have a rectangular table. The cupboards and safes should face southwest direction. Side table and telephones should be placed in the Southwest corner.

Staircase: While designing your office ensure that the staircase is located in the South, West and Southwest direction.

Departments: Suggestions for the placement of various departments can be as follows

  •  Accounts department should be located in the South eastern direction.
  • Marketing or Sales department should be located in the Northwest.
  •  Finance manager should sit in the north quadrant and should either face north or east.
  • Management department should face the south-west quadrant and the general manager or managers office should be in the South or west quadrant
  • Administration and the human resources departments should be located in the east.
Fountains: Water bodies like fountains should be placed in the eastern or North Eastern region.

Office Interiors: Place images of deities and Gods on the right side of mirrors as it is considered to be auspicious as far as finance is concerned. You can also place an aquarium containing 9 goldfish and 1 black fish in the Northeast direction.

Pantry: The canteen or the pantry in office should be placed in the south-east quadrant.

Toilets: The toilets should not be in the north-east and south-west corner.

Seating: Care has to be taken while making the seating arrangement for employees. You should avoid placing the employee’s seat under the beams or if it is unavoidable, then the beams can be covered with a false ceiling.

Vastu Shastra facilitates enhancement of health, wealth, prosperity and happiness and also attaining spiritual well-being. This science of construction is widely used by many architects in Pune (like Sovereign Architects) to enable both the management and employees to work in harmony to achieve success. 


Please feel free to leave your comments below.
About Author :- Vaishali Kawalkar is the chief architect at Sovereign Architects.

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